High Demand Item – Call For Availability
Manufacturer Prices are currently changing frequently.
Please call us at (314) 266-9083 and we will verify current pricing for you.
You can see this manufacturer’s catalog HERE, with additional coordinating options shown, and a link to their most current price updates at the top of that page.
New Global Intelli Beam
Intelli Beam brings forward a new era of open plan environments. Shown in picture with Foli
IBBSU2460 24 x 60 Starter Beam Kit: Includes Intelli Beam raceway, vertical base feed cover, power distribution housing, 17” electrical jumper cable and (2) end of run trims.
List Price $1,513
IBBAT2460S 24 x 60 Add-On Beam Kit: Includes Intelli Beam raceway, power distribution housing and 17” electrical jumper cable.
List Price $1,060
IBSFE1860S 18 x 60 Starter Extension Kit: Fabric starter extension kit attaches on top of a starter beam kit of the same width. Must be used in conjunction with starter beam kits.
List Price $789
IBAFE1860S 18 x 60 Add-On Extension Kit: Fabric add-on extension kit attaches on top of an add-on beam kit of the same width. Must be used in conjunction with add-on beam kits.
List Price $621
List Price: $3,983 ~ Please Call or send a price request to verify.
♦ updated with 1/01/2023 catalog pricing..